Made using Godot Engine

This is a game created for the 20 Second Game Jam (

The goal is to get as many points as possible. You gain points by making the sandbag move. The faster it moves, the faster you get points. You will get NO points if the bag is going too slow


A/D or Left/Right arrows- Move left/right

WASD / Arrow Keys - Change dash direction

U/X- Dash in the direction being held (ex. holding S and pressing U results in dashing downward) *YOU HAVE TO BE DASHING TO HIT THE BAG

Space/C- Jump

Shift - Sprint (literally just increases your max running speed)

*If you dash downward while on the ground, or hit the ground while dashing downward, you can hit the bag into the air

If you find any bugs, please leave a comment so I can try to do better in the future (I am not updating this game lol)

Development log

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